A downloadable game

Welcome to the latest version of The Tomorrow We Built!

The Tomorrow We Built ( aka Robo Commodore ) is a tactical strategy where units are extremely fragile and expendable. It's not unusual to be controlling 20-30 units in a battle. Despite this, combat goes by quickly as most attacks have a good chance to kill units outright. Strategy is key when playing this game, much of the game requires players to read what the other player is doing, scouting for favorable fights, and setting up traps. Though many battles won't simply be a bloodbath, some have winning conditions such as taking specific structures or areas and holding them, capturing vital items from the enemy base and returning it, escorting VIPs or Caravans to a safe-house, defending against hordes of enemies, or using hordes of enemies to attack a well defended position.


  • Controls a number of units to complete mission
  • Choose from a variety of weapons and gears
  • Units have special traits and abilities
  • Moddable
  • Enemy AI



  • UNITS:What makes a good army? Why it's soldiers of course! With Robo Commodore, you'll be commanding anywhere from 3 to 30 Units, each of which represents a robot soldier. Beware! There will be enemy units as well!
    • HIT POINTS: how healthy a unit is and how much damage they can take
    • SANITY: how sane and rational a person is and how much stress they can handle
    • INTELLIGENCE: how smart a unit is.
    • ATHLETICS: how strong, and fast a character is
  • TRAITS: innate attributes that make up a unit and modify its abilities or behaviors
  • ABILITIES: moves that units naturally have, or learn from Experience
  • EXPERIENCE: how much a unit has fought, and how skilled they are
  • SHOP: Buy weapons/gears and manage squad


    • Provide abilities
    • Deal damage to enemies
    • Various attack areas and ranges
    • Provide additional abilities


  • MOUSE: Point and Click
  • WASD: move camera
  • BUTTON PAD: 15 buttons that contain various actions an unit can perform
    • Hotkeys: Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, V, B (to be implemented)

Due to the large scale of the game, the layout of the controls is akin to a RTS to make it easy to issue orders to units. With a set of keys mapped to the players keyboard from Q to T, A to G, and Z to B. This will cut down time of issuing orders to units, allowing for games to go by quickly in the hands of skilled players. The RTS layout also includes easy to read statistics on each unit, located at the bottom of the screen, a mini-map to keep track of where units are, located at the bottom left of the screen. A turn order window at the top left of the screen, and the main menu button at the top right.


  • Learning Unity
  • Learning the design and mechanics of the game
  • Team Communication
  • Time-Management
  • A-star pathfinding
  • Slowing down movement
    • Coroutines
  • "Bad Leadership." - Joe


  • Smarter Enemy AI
  • Refinement of visual assets
  • Redesign UI to increase usability & functionality
  • More missions/objectives
  • The Bark System
  • Implementation of all weapons and gears
  • Implementation of all special abilities and traits
  • Sanity Damage
  • Multiplayer option
  • Hotkeys
  • More levels
  • Display turn order